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PRINCE2 Practitioner Exam

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The Practitioner is the second of the two PRINCE2 examinations you are required to pass to become a Registered PRINCE2 Practitioner.

This PRINCE2 examination is aiming to measure whether a candidate would be able to apply PRINCE2 to the running and managing of a project within an environment supporting PRINCE2. To this end they need to exhibit the competence required for the Foundation qualification, and show that they can apply and tune PRINCE2 to address the needs and problems of a specific project scenario, specifically, candidates must be able to:

- Produce detailed explanations of all principles, themes and processes and worked examples of all PRINCE2 products as they might be applied to address the particular circumstances of a given project scenario
- Show they understand the relationships between principles, themes and processes and PRINCE2 products and can apply this understanding
- Demonstrate that they understand the reasons behind the principles, themes and processes of PRINCE2, and that they understand the principles underpinning these elements
- Demonstrate their ability to tune PRINCE2 to different project circumstances.
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